Easy & Cheap Way to Put Your Maker's Mark or Initials on Your Handmade Knife - Penny Face Knives


Penny Face Knives

Simple and thorough knife-making tutorials by Aaron Roberts

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Easy & Cheap Way to Put Your Maker's Mark or Initials on Your Handmade Knife

Whether you've made a knife of your own or you simply want to personalize your favorite knife, this is one way to mark your name, initials, logo, or favorite graphics on the cheap.
Purchase my handmade knives here
  1. 9 volt battery or larger
  2. Four alligator clips
  3. Copper wire
  4. Resist
  5. Rubbing alcohol
  6. Fine grit sandpaper (1,000 or higher)
  7. Q-Tips

Step 1.  You need a resist.  That can be a sticker, stencil, or nail polish.  This will keep the acid from eating any metal you don't want to etch.  Clean the area you want to etch with rubbing alcohol to remove any oils or finger prints and apply your resist of choice.
Purchase my handmade knives here
Step 2.  Making your etchant fluid:  There are many ways to do this but I use salt dissolved in vinegar.  I haven't found a specific measurement for these but dissolving as much salt in a splash of vinegar as I can seems to work.

Step 3.  Set up in a well ventilated area.  Take your battery and alligator clips and clip the positive terminal to anywhere on the knife.  Take the negative and attach to the etchant soaked Q-Tip.  Apply the swab to the area to be etched and make sure each area gets an equal amount of time.  I usually count to five for each letter.
Purchase my handmade knives here
Step 4.  Remove your resist.  If you used nail polish, use nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol.  Take a fine grit sandpaper and lightly sand the surface with water or oil to clean up the edges.